000 jsAir - The Past, Present, and Future of JavaScript with Brendan Eich

December 09, 2015 - Kent C. Dodds
The past, present, and future of JavaScript with Brendan EichDescription:

Kicking off JavaScript Air with our first guest Brendan Eich (original creator of JavaScript) to talk about the past, present, and future of JavaScript.

Show sponsors: Links, Picks, and Tips:Brendan Eich Dan Abramov: No links, tips, or picks this weekBrian Lonsdorf Kyle Simpson Kent C. Dodds Iheanyi Ekechukwu: No links, tips, or picks this weekLin Clark Matt Zabriskie Pam Selle Tyler McGinnis
  • Tips: Find people smarter than you and copy what they do.
  • Picks: Flexbox Foggy
About JavaScript Air:JavaScriptAir is the live broadcast podcast all about JavaScript hosted by egghead.io instructor Kent C. Dodds. Please visit the JavaScript Air website (javascriptair.com) to see upcoming and past episodes. Also be sure to follow JavaScript Air on Twitter and Google+ to stay up to date with future episodes. Also, all episodes are on the YouTube channel as well.