000 jsAir - The Past, Present, and Future of JavaScript with Brendan Eich
The past, present, and future of JavaScript with Brendan EichDescription:
Kicking off JavaScript Air with our first guest Brendan Eich (original creator of JavaScript) to talk about the past, present, and future of JavaScript.
Show sponsors:- Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
- Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
- {Track:js} - JavaScript Error Monitoring
- Links: Brave
- Tips: Learn JavaScript
- Picks: JavaScript Code Smells
- Tips: Try elm and wait for the video from this
- Picks: JSJabber about PureScript
- Picks: Hour of Code
- Tips: Learn JavaScript with MDN
- Picks: plop, Christmas Lights, and Forward Web Summit
- Tips: Dead code elimination (in Webpack)
- Picks: Dan Abramov's Redux videos on egghead.io and Ancillary Justice
- Links: Matt's beard on Twitter
- Tips: Use the future of JavaScript with Babel
- Picks: gl-react
- Picks: RxJS 5
- Tips: Find people smarter than you and copy what they do.
- Picks: Flexbox Foggy