004 jsAir - Unit Testing JavaScript with Christian Johansen, Joe Eames, and Ward Bell

January 07, 2016 - Kent C. Dodds
Unit Testing JavaScript with Christian Johansen, Joe Eames, and Ward BellDescription:

Testing in JavaScript comes with its own set of challenges. But in recent years, tools and patterns have been developed to make writing unit tests and tracking coverage much simpler than ever before. Join us as we talk with Ward Bell, Joe Eames, and Christian Johansen about unit testing JavaScript.

Show sponsors: Links, Picks, and Tips:Christian Johansen Joe Eames Ward Bell Brian Lonsdorf Kyle Simpson
  • Tips: When building a complex thing with parts that are unknown, focus first on mini prototypes of each of those unknowns. and Mentoring / coaching is essential to learning. Self-driven learning is good but only goes part of the way.
  • Picks: Fun Fun Function - Streams by @mpjme and Simplicity Matters
Kent C. Dodds Tyler McGinnis About JavaScript Air:JavaScriptAir is the live broadcast podcast all about JavaScript hosted by egghead.io instructor Kent C. Dodds. Please visit the JavaScript Air website (javascriptair.com) to see upcoming and past episodes. Also be sure to follow JavaScript Air on Twitter and Google+ to stay up to date with future episodes. Also, all episodes are on the YouTube channel as well.