005 jsAir - Firefox DevTools, React, and Redux with James Long, Jordan Santell, and Lin Clark
January 15, 2016 - Kent C. Dodds
Firefox DevTools, React, and Redux with James Long, Jordan Santell, and Lin ClarkDescription:
React is in your browser. Not just in web pages, but in the browser itself! Join us as we talk with developers from Firefox's Developer Tools team about how they're using React and Redux to build developer tools, and how the two make the DX (developer experience) of building developer tools better.
Show sponsors:- Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
- Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
- {Track:js} - JavaScript Error Monitoring
- Links: XUL and react-proxy
- Tips: Use Firefox DevTools and tell us how we can do better!
- Picks: Om Next
- Links: React Howto, React Components, Elements, and Instances, and Minimal API Surface Area
- Picks: Lodash 4 is out! and Lazarus
- Links: SpiderMonkey improves Function.prototype.bind and v8 improves Function.prototype.bind
- Tips: use “palm pads” to support your wrists while using laptop keyboards (like these)
- Picks: Microsoft Chakra is OSS now! and Github Social Client blog post
- Tips: Watch your analytics. Encourage your customers to get off an unsupported, insecure browser >IE11
- Picks: Elements Components and Instances