015 jsAir - AVA: Futuristic test runner 🚀 with James Talmage, Mark Wubben, and Vadim Demedes
AVA: Futuristic test runner 🚀 with James Talmage, Mark Wubben, and Vadim Demedes
AVA is a relatively new testing framework for JavaScript that promises some really unique and exciting benefits over some of the existing testing frameworks.
Show sponsors:- Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
- Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
- {Track:js} - JavaScript Error Monitoring
- Wallaby.js - Realtime code coverage
- Codecov.io - Code coverage done right
- Fluent - Web development training
- Auth0 - Authentication Made Simple
- Trading Technologies - Building For What's Next
- Links: Sindre’s AMA on small module philosophy
- Tips: Small modules: generator-nm (a minimalist Yeoman generator)
- Picks: Check out XO (zero config linter), thetruesize.com - if you like maps., and Bob Sutton - Strong Opinions Weekly Held
- Links: http://node.green/
- Tips: Publish smaller packages using the "files" option, test with "npm pack" and that tar command you always forget
- Picks: Node v6 soon!
- Tips: Don’t over-complicate and always look for a simpler solution instead.
- Picks: All essays by Guillermo Rauch and Give it five minutes by Jason Fried
- Links: Healthy Open Source and How to Contribute to an Open Source Library on GitHub
- Tips: Use bundledDependencies see my screencast on it
- Picks: ghooks + opt-cli = ♥️ and Hubot