020 jsAir - JavaScript Frameworks: Ember with Gavin Joyce, Matthew Beale, and Robert Jackson
JavaScript Frameworks: Ember with Gavin Joyce, Matthew Beale, and Robert Jackson
Ember is one of the most widely used JavaScript frameworks in the world and has some pretty amazing features. Its focus is on giving you everything you need to build web applications and delivers on that promise for many applications in the world today!
Show sponsors:- Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
- Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
- {Track:js} - JavaScript Error Monitoring
- SparkPost - Email. We've Got It Down.
- WebStorm - Smart JavaScript IDE
- Fluent - Web development training
- Auth0 - Authentication Made Simple
- Trading Technologies - Building For What's Next
- Links: Intercom, EmberConf Keynote, and Controlling Ableton Push with Node.js
- Tips: "It's not not done until it ships" is from a time when shipping software meant CDs in boxes. "Shipping is just the beginning" is better for modern software.
- Picks: Ableton Push Midi Controller
- Links: Gavin and Yehuda do a deep-dive on Glimmer 2, Future of Ember Templating, at EmberConf 2016, and Element Modifier RFC
- Picks: Ember-concurrency docs: http://ember-concurrency.com/#/docs, Ember-concurrency blog post: https://medium.com/@machty/ember-concurrency-the-solution-to-so-many-problems-you-never-knew-you-had-cce6d7731ba9#.e6r0iv44u, Ember-concurrency video: https://vimeo.com/162329769, and WickedGoodEmber, this summer in Boston: https://wickedgoodember.com/
- Links: Ember Observer and Ember CLI Deploy
- Picks: Destiny, Ember Community, and Ember Slack
- Picks: node + ES6 modules, counter-proposal for node and es6 modules, Frontend Masters, and YDKJS “Box Set” Pricing
- Tips: Thank at least one person every day out of the blue
- Picks: JavaScript Community Thank You Letter from David Wells and Teledoc