031 jsAir - Automated Accessibility Testing with aXe-core with Dylan Barrell, Marcy Sutton, and Wilco Fiers

July 14, 2016 - Kent C. Dodds
Automated Accessibility Testing with aXe-core with Dylan Barrell, Marcy Sutton, and Wilco Fiers Description:

The Deque Labs team is doing some really cool stuff for automated accessibility testing, bringing their years of accessibility expertise to mainstream web developers. The open source axe-core framework, written entirely in JavaScript, supports a bunch of integrations: unit testing, Selenium Webdriver, Chrome and Firefox extensions, Grunt, React and more. Get the low-down on how to integrate accessibility testing into your workflow with the core team from Deque.

Show sponsors: Links, Picks, and Tips: Marcy Sutton @marcysutton Links Tips
  • Get away from the computer and GO OUTSIDE.
Picks Dylan Barrell @dylanbarrell Picks Wilco Fiers @wilcofiers Picks Brian Lonsdorf @drboolean Links Tips
  • Get familiar with your screenreader.
Picks Kent C. Dodds @kentcdodds Tips
  • Don’t spend money on Pokemon Go 😀
Picks About JavaScript Air: JavaScriptAir is the live broadcast podcast all about JavaScript hosted by egghead.io instructor Kent C. Dodds. Please visit the JavaScript Air website (javascriptair.com) to see upcoming and past episodes. Go to jsair.io/suggest to suggest topics and guests for the show. Go to jsair.io/feedback to provide feedback on this and other episodes. Also be sure to subscribe to our email newsletter at jsair.io/email and follow JavaScript Air on Twitter and Google+ to stay up to date with future episodes. Also, all episodes are on the YouTube channel as well.